Monday, December 16, 2013

Portas abertas para a ética na Rolls Royce – Ivan Dilly

Ivan Dilly, Legal Director da Rolls Royce South America, fala na Newsletter Global da empresa como Local Ethics Officer for Brazil: “People  can get in touch with me at any time by phone, email or in person … My door is always open. I feel sure the new and improved Ethics Line will also help to provide an environment where everyone can ask questions or raise concerns about business ethics. Our new Code will become an invaluable reference for day-to-day decision making. It’s a tool to encourage discussions about ethics and will improve how we deal with the grey areas we encounter in our work.”

Ivan Dilly é aluno do International Part Time MBA do Profuturo-FIA.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Estudantes do "International Full Time MBA" visitam a fábrica da Hyundai

Na última quarta-feira, 27/11/13, os alunos da turma 5 do International Full Time MBA, visitaram a fábrica da Hyundai em Piracicaba/SP, uma das mais modernas e robotizadas do país. O Brasil foi o sétimo país do mundo a sediar uma fábrica desta montadora.

Nesta visita, os alunos tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer de perto o processo produtivo dos modelos da série HB20 (Hatch, Sedan e Cross), que representam a quinta colocação no ranking nacional de vendas de automóveis. A fábrica, inaugurada exatamente há um ano, recentemente deu início ao seu terceiro turno de produção, atingindo portando sua capacidade máxima de 37 veículos por hora ou 150 mil veículos por ano.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Professor James Wright | FIA Business School | European CEO Video

European CEO interviews Professor James Wright, Dean of FIA Business School, on teaching different, thinking different.

The Dean of FIA Business School speaks about breaking the traditions of teaching, embedding ethics and social consciousness in the business curriculum, and developing business models for low income groups.

For a full transcript visit:
For more interviews from European CEO go to

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Travels to the Land of Productivity - USA Trip

In September, the FIA Executive MBA travelled to the USA for a week of classes and company visits. One of the striking observations for our team from Brazil is the high level of labor productivity in so many of the service and manufacturing industries in the USA. With a per capita economic output more than 5 times higher than Brazil´s, the classes and the company visits showed many different approaches and opportunities for accelerating productivity and economic growth in Brazil. 

At Jack Daniel´s, we saw a fairly simple production process, making a delicious beverage with high added value. Great marketing, and a lot of high technology presented as very traditional bourbon production methods come together to generate substantial profits and growth for the parent company, Brown-Forman, exporting half of its production as one of the top five premium brands of whiskey worldwide. Nissan automobiles, with a highly automated production system operates one of the most productive auto plants in the World, in Smyrna, Tennessee, where we visited and discussed international quality standards. At the FEDEX global hub, in Memphis, we saw how more than 2 million packages are routed to their final destinations as 120 planes offload then fly again only 3 hours later,  to their final destination. An amazingly effective service operation the connects people and businesses all over the world every single day. 

How is such productivity achieved? The classes at Vanderbilt on Innovation, Strategy and Decision Making, Managing Risk presented techniques, approaches and methods to create value, while classes on Leading Teams, Coaching and Managing Change brought lessons for our executives on how to get the best results from the most important asset the people who work and manage the corporations.

All this in the beautiful setting of the Vanderbilt campus, where the Owen Graduate School of Management brings together experienced students,  great professors, and an opportunity for free exchange of ideas, in one of the most productive research universities of the USA. In all, a very worthwhile experience. 

Prof. James Wright

See some photos:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Brazilian Student within top 5 MBA Students worldwide in 2013

Cristiane Tsuboi, International MBA at FIA, competes for AMBA’s Student of the Year award.

Receiving applications from over 180 business schools accredited by AMBA worldwide, the 2013 Student of the Year award approaches its final decision by displaying a Brazilian student within this year’s top 5 finalists.

Cristiane Truboi, International MBA student at FIA Business School, regarded as one of the best 100 MBAs in the world according to London’s Financial Times Rank, strove for excellence in a program taught entirely in English and amounting up to 13 nationalities represented in the group. According to Prof. Dr. James Wright, coordinator of FIA’s International Executive MBA, International MBA and Americas MBA, this achievement owes to a global effort developed throughout the course. “This result highlights the great potential and transforming capacity in a young Brazilian executive’s career in deciding to undertake a global-standard, internationally accredited MBA offered in Brazil, by bringing together international students, themes, cases and experiences”.

Ms. Tsuboi completed her MBA tied for first place in her group with two other students: Marcin Wozniak from Poland and Tarun Kalra from India. Her history of social work and professional experience, however, weighed heavily on her behalf. After all, before joining FIA’s International MBA, Cristiane, an medical doctor graduated from USP, collaborated alongside the Brazilian Navy in an expedition to the Amazon, where she supplied medical assistance to riverside communities in need, many times at great distances where medical assistance was unheard of.

Experienced in Labor Health, she developed in her Final Paper an enhanced system of Workplace accident management indicators that greatly reduced costs for the company envisioned by the project.

As a finalist of the Student of the Year award, who’s recipient will be announced at the annual AMBA meeting scheduled for November 6 in London, UK, Cristiane has already been invited to serve for a year as “MBA Ambassador” for AMBA.

Monday, September 2, 2013

An Unforgettable Trip to Vancouver

The FIA students went to Vancouver for the first international week of the AMERICAS MBA. The experience has been great.

First of all, the opportunity  to meet the colleagues of Simon Fraser University (Canada), Vanderbilt (USA) and ITAM (Mexico). The integration with the colleagues from the other schools was great. Most of the students stayed at the DELTA HOTEL, 2 minutes walking distance from SFU. Working together on the different assignments and also relaxing together after the work had been done. Downtown Vancouver is wonderful, offering an international environment.

Second, challenging classes focusing on Cross Cultural Teams and Strategy with Professor Dani Shapiro, Dean of SFU Beedie School of Management. Interesting classes, challeging assignments and lots of discussions and cases. In an intense program students stayed from 8:00 to 21:00 hours inside the SFU building, working hard and interacting with different business cultures and cases.

Third, last but not least, the Capstone Project: 7 challenging and interesting projects which will enable the students to develop the international consulting projects during the next 8 months. A great opportunity to practice the theoretical baggage in real life cases, with international teams. Each team has students from all 4 business schools. Great business challenges, combined with an academic background, manage a crosscultural team, up to 6 hours of time difference and interaction with real clients.

And let us not forget the moments spent with colleagues from all over the world, the leisure moments, the barbecue, the soccer game and the city tour! An opportunity to build links, a network thqat will last for the rest of the life.

A great introduction to an unforgettable experience. 

by Prof Dirk Thomaz Schwenkow

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Brazil’s unrest: should investors worry?

Prof. Alfedo Behrens / Financial Times

The scenes have been extraordinary. Not only the size of public demonstrations in Brazil’s major cities over the past week but also the violence with which they were met by supposedly elite police units have made for surprising and shocking viewing.
Are investors worried? And should they be?
The short answer to the first question is, apparently, No.

...“What is going on is the result of slow growth and that is unlikely to go away,” says Alfredo Behrens, a professor of management at FIA, a business school in São Paulo.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The City We Want

In about 27 years, the city of São Paulo may be a more humane city where most citizens will be able to live closer to their work, have well-paying jobs and live at fifteen minute walk distance from a small green area or a train station by public transportation. For this to become reality, consistent work for over three or four administrations is required to implement a long-term plan for changing the lives of paulistanos for the better.

For the past two years Profuturo coordinated a long-term strategic planning for the city, known as Plan SP2040. This study, sponsored by the Municipality of São Paulo, involved more than 250 experts from city hall, business firms, universities and, also, consulted over 25 thousand citizens. Its outlined a strategic vision, projects and action programs for the city that resulted in a document that presents both a popular view as a technical vision. The reader must be wondering: how would this dream scenario of São Paulo be?

The city we want will have more housing within its central region, which today is quite well served by public transportation and concentrates a large portion of the city’s employment opportunities. At the same time, the city will be more decentralized, concentrating itself around about 120 regional centers in city neighborhoods that offer transportation, education, housing, services and jobs. It is hoped that every citizen can live about fifteen minutes on foot from recreation areas and that the daily commute to work and study does not exceed thirty minutes on average.

Thus, almost 80% of normal daily activities can be carried out in these  120 "equivalent cities", allowing for a strong reduction in daily commutes and mitigating social impacts from pollution, stress and traffic accidents.

To accomplish its economic potential, São Paulo should embrace its vocation as an international business center. To excel among Latin American cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Mexico City and even Miami, we need not only to rehabilitate its infrastructure (transport and communication, especially) as well as train, attract and retain human talent of an international standard. To form talented citizens, universities and professional schools should interact more with the productive sector and encourage entrepreneurship. To attract them, São Paulo should be capable of providing support for their self-development along with that of the companies established here. Finally, to retain talent, the city should be receptive to different cultures and offer an attractive quality of life to skilled and creative people.

To continue to thrive, increasing its GDP without a significant population growth, Sao Paulo must attract economic sectors which generate high added value and innovation. Some of these strategic areas are: health and financial services, education, research and development, infrastructure and urban retrofit, transportation, communication, energy and environmental sustainability. At the same time, the trained manpower for these sectors has to be constantly improved to sustain a decent standard of competitiveness in a global city.

Attracting modern enterprises, training manpower and innovating are required for Sao Paulo to strengthen its role as a national center for logistics, trade and services, efficiently supporting productive activities throughout Brazil. According to our projection models, this trend will make our city reach in 2040 levels of per capita income and human development index (HDI) similar to those of the cities of Mediterranean Europe today.

During the next three decades São Paulo is expected to maintain growth rate around 15% lower the average growth of the Brazilian GDP, in line with the necessary reduction of regional inequalities and income distribution in our country. However, this growth will be sufficient for São Paulo to become the most important and prosperous city in the southern hemisphere, the center of financial services for global investment in South America and the headquarters of most major international companies in the region.

This is a possible scenario for thirty years in the future, ie, in just one generation. As methodological coordinator of SP-2040 plan, I have confidence in the prospect of implementing the proposals made, which were validated by a sample of 25 000 citizens. In addition to personal convictions, other studies support our belief in the desired future perspective. Recently, we have coordinated an analysis of São Paulo as part of an international study of 12 large cities in developing countries. The results showed that São Paulo inhabitants have a very critical view of the city, even on subjects in which objective data show that we are better off than other large cities in emerging countries.

This combination of critical vision and our historical capability to work for a better future can certainly lead us to our desired scenario of the City of São Paulo that we all want. To do so, we must work together, stay focused on future goals and not allow demagogic deviations from common goals of quality of life improvements and better opportunities for future generations.

Prof. James Wright

Executive, International & Americas MBA

Friday, February 22, 2013

Thoughts on Business Leadership in Emerging Markets: A Side Effect of Economic Colonialism or Simply Poor Management?

The strategic function of a top business leader, with its vision-forming, persuading, and control abilities, spans much of what has been traditionally viewed as the fi eld of leadership research. While some leaders speak or write about leadership without having led many businesses, others who have led lack the capacity for refl ection which is necessary to explain what it is that they do. Yet, most leaders seem to have something to say, and they fi nd eager listeners. Are MBA candidates being misled by the business press and thus are unable to tell a real leader from a fraud? Or is it that those we call business leaders today are only fi gureheads propelled by those toiling beneath them? This commentary focuses on thoughts centered on the rim of contention: business leadership in Brazil. 


The strategic function of a top business leader, with its vision-forming, persuading, and control abilities, spans much of what has been traditionally viewed as the field of leadership research. While far from exhausted, the drift toward studying the rest of the organization and its environment has been both substantial and refreshing. Nonetheless, there is a strategy-forming process that remains mostly in the realm of top corporate leadership, which has been the focus of some attention within the last decade.1 Interestingly enough, the role of succession remains largely within top management, which brings up the question of an organization’s capacity to learn from its environment. There seems to be no barriers to entry into the business leadership literature arena. While some leaders speak or write about leadership without having led many businesses, others who have led lack the capacity for reflection which is necessary to explain what it is that they do. Yet, most leaders seem to have something to say, and they find eager listeners. Because publishers know there is a seller’s market in leadership books, they go so far as to resurrect authors long dead for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In fact, business leadership is one of the most prolific areas within management literature. What follows are my thoughts focused on the rim of the contention: business leadership in Brazil. I chose to explore this topic because many of my graduate MBA students barely have any notion of what a true business leader is. When asked to name a few leaders I expected to hear the names of Juan Domingo Perón, for Argentina, and Getúlio Vargas, for Brazil, founders of some of the region’s largest and most prominent businesses. Alternatively, I would have expected my students to mention Casimiro Montenegro, who founded the Brazilian Aeronautical Technology Institute to lay the foundations of a healthy Brazilian aeronautical industry and helped to midwife Embraer, a world leader in midsized jet planes. 

Featured article by Alfredo Behrens in Thunderbird International Business Review 
Vol. 55, No. 2 March/April 2013, pp 228-234.  DOI: 10.1002/tie.21537 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Medical Diagnostic Laboratories Might Provide Executive Search Services

As there are many ways to skin a cat there are many ways to classify personalities. By now it is hard to find an executive who has not heard of MBTI, or DISC or so many others.  But the fact is that despite the differences pointed out by all those tests, it does not seem to be enough to understand what makes us click with one another. Sad, because clicking is work-effective and we should know more about it.

This is why research into what makes people fall in love with each other may provide leads, if not answers. Helen Fischer has been an expert on the subject for over three decades, just the type the CEOs of, the dating site, would put the questions to:  “Why do you fall in love with one person and not the other?”
The question is particularly important at the Brazilian executive-level  workplace, for if socioeconomic background were determining, one would not find in Brazil as much diversity as in America, and still, people fall in love with some rather than any other. Of course the kind of empathy one needs to work effectively together is not the same as required in a fulfilling love relationship, but still, think more freely and figure out what is out there.

As it turns out, Prof. Helen Fisher, at Rutgers,  is what is called a biological anthropologist (new to me too) and she figures out that in biological terms there are only four systems linked with personality traits: dopamine, serotonin, testosterone and estrogen. Hired by she had access to its affiliate: and worked on a sample of almost 180 thousand people form about 30 countries  and she found correlation between the chemicals above and personality traits which she named: Explorers, Directors, Negotiators, Builders.

Those higher on the expression of the dopamine system tend to be curious and spontaneous, creative and open-minded, and inclined to abstract thought and big ideas. These were named the Explorer types.
Those whose system is more testosterone driven tend to be focused, analytical, action oriented, rather impervious. These were named the Directors’ group.
Those higher in the oestrogen system tend to be more intuitive, more perceptive of underlying connections, and nurturing. These she called the Negotiators.
Those high on serotonin tend to be more conventional, rule-abiding, and specific. These are the Builders.

You wouldn’t be very wrong if you found all of this is not much off MBTI or even Patricia Pitcher’s classification into Artists, Craftsmen and Technocrats, which I happen to find good enough. In any case, if Fisher’s (not Pitcher’s) classification were to stick, it might not be long until we find headhunters superseded by blood laboratories who would receive CEO staffing  requests like: give me one with a 50% dopamine + 30% Testosterone + 15% oestrogen +5% serotonin. If the request were for a compliance officer you would do well in spiking the serotonin share.

Find more at:

Alfredo Behrens
Professor, Cross-cultural Leadership
FIA Business School
February, 2013